Friday, March 14, 2008

Blog 14- Revision of Blog- 11- Ironic, Isn't It?

My crew and I were aboard our naval ship, when, far off on the horizon, I saw smoke. I really didn't know what it was. I thought it could have been another naval ship that had been bombed, so I took my time making my way over there, in case the attacker had stuck around. But as we grew closer I realized that it wasn't another ship, it was an island; it was an island that was on fire. But islands don't randomly catch on fire. There was a lightning storm a few days ago but any fire that it would have created would definatly have gone out by now. The thought of an island in the middle of the ocean just randomly catching on fire puzzled me so I decided to take my search further and venture onto the small island.

I reached land and there were what seemed to be inexpertly built huts, and the remains of a camp fire on the beach. But there was no one around. Perhaps they had started the fire in the jungle and were killed by it before they could run away. I heard a faint cry of, "Heave!" And then far off I head a quiet ululation. Perhaps not. Just then a dirty little boy with blond hair came running and screaming out of the jungle carrying a long stick. He had a swollen face with scratches all over. His whole body was bruised and he had a very deep stab wound in his ribs and on his head was a mess of tangled blond hair and twigs. Then another boy ran out out of the jungle, also carrying a long stick sharpened on one end, like a spear. This one had red hair which was tied back and his face was painted with something. I could visualize that he had been chasing the blond haired boy with that spear. He seemed to be very nervous and quickly placed the remains of a black cap on his head. Then some other littluns who seemed to be no older than 6 came cowering out of the jungle. They too were wearing paint, all of them were, except for the blond haired boy; it was approximately 40 against 1.

I greeted the first boy who came running out, and greeted me back very quietly. I asked if there were any adults, any grown-ups on the island. The boy shook his head no.

"We saw your smoke. What have you been doing? Having a war of something?"

The boy nodded. A war. These little boys were having a war.

"Nobody killed, I hope? Any dead bodies?"

"Only two. And they've gone."

I was shocked. Two boys killed! What insanity!

One of them littluns came up to me.

"I'm... I'm..."

The poor little boy couldn't even remember his own name! I told them that we'd take them off now, and asked how many of them there were. Of course, they didn't know how many. I asked who was the boss around there, and the first boy I'd seen said that he was. That little boy in the back with the red hair and the black cap started to walk forward to say that he was in chanrge, but then changed his mind. Perhaps he didn't want to take responsibility for what had happened there on that island. I elaborated on my disappointment in them. Those British boys should have been able to put on a better show than that! But then the boy who claimed to be the boss began sobbing, and then all the other boys followed. They all wept and cried. I turned around to give them time to pull themselves together and began thinking of what I had just heard. Boys killing each other and creating war. How horrible! How stupid! Then I caught sight of my own ship. Ya know, the one that is used for creating wars and killing people?

Ironic, isn't it?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog 13- Revision of Blog 10 - The Last One

Piggy has no glasses and, consequently, we have no fire. They stole it. They stole our fire. We don't know how we are going to be able to be rescued if we don't have fire. If they would have just asked we would have given them fire. We would have willingly given it to them. But they didn't even ask at all! It's not like they asked and we said no, they just flat out stole it! Those savages stole our fire! And they stole poor Piggy's glasses! Now he can't see at all; just blurs. At least before he had one good eye to look out of. Now he can't see a thing!

Ralph called an assembly which only we, Piggy, Ralph, and a few littluns attended. He said that we would go to talk to Jack about the specks. Piggy got fed up with Jack and his tribe and all the savagery. He said he was going to talk to Jack and tell him that he HAD to give them back. He had to. It's the right thing to do. But Jack won't care whats right. Jack's a savage. He has no rules, or even expectations for his tribe except that hunting is the most important thing. He doesn't care what's right and what's wrong. But that was what Piggy wanted to do.

So we went to Castle Rock and began to cross over a very thin little bridge of rocks. Poor Piggy couldn't see. He had to hold on to Ralph just to get across. Then we heard a familiar voice shouting down to us.

"Halt! Who goes there?"

It was Roger. Ralph yelled up at him, "You can see who I am! Stop being silly!"

He told us that he wasn't supposed to let us in; Chief's orders. Ralph began blowing the conch- he said he was calling an assembly. Roger picked up a stone and threw it at us, but he missed. Then Jack and a few hunters came out of the jungle. We were trapped. Jack's crew was on either side of us all. Ralph started yelling at Jack, calling him a thief. That got Jack angry and they began swinging their spears at each other like swords. Piggy reminded Ralph what we came there for, and Ralph stopped swinging his spear. He told Jack, "You have to give them back! Piggy can't see with out them! You aren't playing the game--"

Jack yelled to his group to grab us and tie us up and they did as they were told. The anger escalated until Ralph became furious and yelled, "You're a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!"

Then he charged at Jack with his spear. We were scared. Jack charged too and they fought with their spears. Then Piggy got up and tried talking to the savages, but they all just laughed at him. He continued to talk even through their laughter. He just talked and talked and talked and held up the conch... until Roger pushed all his weight on the lever. The huge rock came crashing down the mountain and sent Piggy and the conch flying. Piggy flew off 40 feet down the cliff and landed with a crash on the rocks below. His head split open and red stuff started pouring out. We were so scared at that point. The crashing waves came and washed what was left of Piggy out to sea. Then Jack threw his spear at Ralph and pinned him in his ribs. Ralph stumbled and began to run. He ran as fast as he could. When he was out of sight Jack came to us and questioned us asking what we meant by coming with spears. We told him thats not the way, but he wouldn't listen. Then Roger took up the questioning; or we should say beating.

He brutally forced us to join his tribe. Then he made an announcement that tomorrow we are going to search the island for Ralph and Roger had sharpened a stick... on both ends.

Blog 12- Trial Prep

Opening and Closing Statements:


There was lack of justice and order during the boys struggle to survive on the island. Two deaths of young innocent boys took place and we want to make certain that the boy responsible for these unfortunate deaths, face the consequences.

Today, we will show you why and how Jack Merridrew is ultimately responsible for these murders. After the boys plane crashed, leaving then deserted on an uncharted island. Ralph was democratically appointed leader, however Jack was given responsibility of head hunter. Ralph tried to establish an organized society, but had difficulty due to Jacks savage attitude. Simon and Piggy had a strong alliance with Ralph. Simon's murder took place at a feast held by Jack, thinking that Simon was the mysterious beast, the boys attacked him on Jacks orders. They could have stopped attacking, innocent Simon, but couldn't resist feasting on his flesh.

Piggy's death was caused by Roger pushing a boulder off the edge of Castle Rock. However, we know that Roger was under the complete control and instruction of Jack Merridrew. Jack gave in to fear, therefor so did his followers Jacks controlling nature influenced the boys in major ways.

As all of you have seen and heard over the course of this trial, Jack Merridew is obviously guilty of murder in the 1st degree. You have heard the testimony of many witnesses. Take Samneric for example. They told us that they witnessed the gruesome death of Piggy. They reported that Jack had told Roger to kill any intruders! Wouldn't you agree that an instruction to kill by someone in a position of power would make them just as responsible for the murder as the person who carried out the order? Don't you think that if Jack would kill an innocent person just because they were on his "property", he would have the power, the potential and the capability to do much more?

And as for the death of Simon, yes, it may have started out as an accident due to a misunderstanding. But wouldn't Jack, who was a main participant in this boy's death, considering that he was in the middle of the circle, realize that it wasn't a monster, it was a boy? Ralph, Sam, and Eric were on the outside, yet they knew it was not a beast! Knowing that, wouldn't Jack have known from the very beginning that it was, in fact, Simon?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, prosecution asks that you render Jack Merridew guilty for the murders of Piggy and Simon!

Naval Officer
Piggy's Auntie

Witness Questions:

Naval Officer-

1) Why did you decide to go to the island in the first place?

2) When you first arrived on the island, what seemed to be going on?

3) Did anyone take responsibility for the events that occurred on the island?

4) What were the other boys doing while you talked to Ralph?

5) Did you talk to anyone besides the Ralph?

6) What did you talk about?

7) How many boys did there appear to be?

8) How many of them seemed to be in Jack's tribe? (wearing war paint)

9) What assumption did you make when you saw the boys on the beach with scars and spears?

Piggy's Auntie:

1. Tell us about Piggy, what was his personality like?

1. Did he do well in school, was he a logical thinker?

2. Did he get in trouble much, with you or the school?

3. Honestly, was he a follower or a leader?

4. Did he have any medical conditions?

5. Do you think that these attributes could have affected him on the island?

6. You said that Piggy had social problems, when he was back at home, did the other school boys tease him?

7. So, do you think this probably happened on the island as well?

8. Do you think it could have happened so bad, that the other boys felt it was right to kill him?


1. How did your relationship with Jack change over the course of your time on the island?

2. What was Jack's role on the island?

3. Was his role his main focus on the island, or did he contribute to the other jobs on the island?

4. Can you describe Jack's actions as a hunter?

5. How did Jack influence the other boys in terms of hunting?

6. How did Jack treat the boys on the island?

7. Was there anyone who he particularly picked on?

8.Can you give an example?

9. Do you think this lead up to the death of piggy?


1)What was your relationship with Piggy and Simon?

2)How did Jack treat you?

3)Were you at all involved with the death of Simon and can you explain what happened that night?

4)Were you ever attacked or injured by Jack and his hunters?

5)Can you explain how Piggy was killed?

6)Was Jack ever controlling towards you and the other boys?

7)What were Roger,Maurice and Robert like?

8)Why were the other boys influenced to join Jack's tribe?


1) What were your relationships with Ralph and Jack like?

2) What happened when Jack got fed up and created his own group on the island?

3) Jack had a feast the night they split up. Were you there?

4) Who else was there?

5) What happened?

6) Could you tell it was Simon? When?

7) Was Jack ever mean to you or to any of the other boys?

8) Did you join Jack’s group?

9) What was happening right before you all met the naval officer?