Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blog 1 - In the Beginning

This is how it all started...

We were flying. The next thing I knew we were falling. Flames devoured the wings of the plane. We thought we were safe. We thought we would make it away from the war. But now... I'm not so sure. I looked around and saw the jumble of boys quivering in their seats, their faces were pallor. I blacked out as we kept falling farther and farther to the earth below. I woke in the midst of what was left of our plane. As I clambered up the mountain to find out where I was I saw that the vines in the jungle were like a grating, trapping me in the jungle. I continued to go farther and farther up the mountain. At one point I climbed far enough to see that there was a shore nearby and began to make my decent down the mountain. I got closer to the shore and realized that not only was there a beach, but there was also a lagoon. As I began to speculate on the day's events I heard a strident sound. I made my way out of the jungle and and heard a loud clamor at the beach. All of the boys eventually came together and as the boy named Ralph was speaking, a large group of decorous boys dressed in cloaks interposed our meeting. The vain boy leading the group called himself Jack. We had an election to decide who should be the leader and it came down to Ralph and Jack. When Jack saw that Ralph had won the election a look of indignation came across his face.

So that's what happened. That's all I know.

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