Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blog 3- Huts or Hunts?

He's so stupid. All he wants to do is build huts.

"We need safe places to live... blah blah blah!"

What we need is meat! That's all. Yes, a home would be nice, but we're just young boys! He needs to realize that we cant rebuild civilization! Ralph worries so much about houses, where we live, and working together to build huts and all the festoons that don't matter. That isn't what we need to worry about. If only I could catch a pig. Just one. Just one pig. If only I had a barb to stab into the pig with. If only I could do that, he would eat it and realize what he really wants, what's really important. But when I'm out in the jungle, even though I know it's not real, I can feel the inscrutable presence of the beastie swinging through the tendrils. And every once in a while I see a glimmer of light move and I shoot a furtive look behind me, just to make sure I'm alone.

And who cares what the littluns are doing! They aren't of any help anyway! They are only 5 & 6 & 7 years old. Of what help would they be?! Ralph is always complaining about what an oppressive lot they are and how little work the littluns do and then they run off and play in the lagoon. If I were the leader, if I were the chief, everyone would be bewildered at how different things would be. First, the littluns could run off and play and swim and flaunt the shells they've found on the beach and be of no help. Because even if they were willing to help, how much work could they do? Nothing! Nothing of significance at least. Second, I would get rid of this "beastie" once and for all. Even if it doesn't really exist, it will make the littluns stop complaining about it coming to get them. And finally, I would make catching a pig of the utmost importance. That's what we really need, and that's what we really want. A pig. If only Ralph would realize that...

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