Monday, February 11, 2008

Blog # 2- The Fire That may Save Us All

It was insane! They were all racing up the mountain as if the first to get to the top, would be the first to be rescued. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me explain what occurred before this tumult.

We thought we were escaping insanity and fear, but when our plane crashed, we realized what true insanity and fear is. I met a boy who called himself Ralph. He used a large conch shell to call together the rest of the boys and a meeting was called into order. During our meeting a group of choir boys interrupted. The leader of the group said his name was Jack. They joined us and our meeting continued. We elected a leader; Ralph. But Jack, furious that he had lost the election, was very officious. I tried to say some things that, to me, seemed very important. But Jack scornfully yelled at me to "shut up fatty!"

That's when the fire was mentioned.
"We need to make a fire on the top of the mountain! People will see it and know we are here!"
Then jack began to run up the mountain and Ralph and the boys couldn't help but follow. The adrenaline was irresistible!

I looked at Ralph and realized that he didn't have the conch. But if he didn't have it, where was it? I looked down and found the conch, the symbol of authority and sanity, on the ground, covered in sand. I picked it up, dusted off the sand, and carefully followed Ralph, Jack, and the boys up the mountain. By the time I reached the top the boys had made a large pile of wood, and were standing around trying to think of a way to light the fire. Ralph saw me and started running at me yelling, "His specks! We'll use his specks to start the fire!"

Jack snatched my specks right off my face! I was warped, disoriented. All I could see was just blurs. Moving blurs, then all of a sudden, an orange, red, and yellow blur; a fire. I was handed back my specks and then I could see the fire clearly. It was hot and the way it moved in the breeze was so nimble.

But the boys were so foolish, they were so ignorant. We need to be smart if we want to be rescued.

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