Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blog 5- My (Cheesy) Romance Story

Note: This story is 100% fictional. It is not a real moment in my life, and yes, I know it’s really cheesy.

It was Valentines Day. All she wanted was to have her chance at love. To have her chance for the butterflies in her stomach to flutter and grow bigger in size and number when he says, “Will you be mine?” All day she walked through the endless crowds of girls who seemed to be glowing and floating on clouds. Their smiles spread across their faces, stretching from ear to ear. And all day she walked past them with a blank stare. And she seemed to be surrounded by a gloomy cloud. Her footsteps like boulders pounding on the ground growing louder and louder with every step. Class began and was soon interrupted by the delivery of the valentines. The butterflies fled through her stomach at the thought of receiving a valentine. They soon left her stomach and fluttered by her ear when the delivery boy passed right by her desk without a second thought. They seemed to be whispering, No valentine for you. None for you. No one cares.

They left for P.E. and all around the girls with cards, and chocolate, and roses seemed to be sun and warmth. But her head was wet with rain, and dark clouds drew close to her. All the while the butterflies whispered in her ears, No valentine for you. None for you. No one cares.

Meanwhile, a boy, with butterflies in his stomach, had something to say, but those butterflies kept him from saying it. His clouds were more like that of a lightning storm; flashing in short jittery bursts, not knowing what to do. He saw the boys floating on the clouds at the right side of the girl who loves them. With that picture in his head his cloud started flashing and pouring down rain.

The final bell rang, and when it did her cloud seemed to lighten up a bit with hope that tomorrow would be better. As she walked down the hall that boy was walking too. She reached the front door and he spotted her and began to race after her. He had something to say. Those butterflies in his stomach were insane. He grabbed her arm, and she spun around in alarm. They stopped. He smiled. He handed her a red rose with a little chocolate. She looked down at the tiny gesture of love, and her butterflies were back whispering in her ear. But this time they were saying, Once a tear fell off his cheek and into the ocean. The day he finds it will be the day he stops loving you.

And it was true. Although the gift was of small size and value it made her cloud disappear. And he watched as she smiled, and floated away on a puffy white cloud, glowing and smiling from ear to ear. And of all the clouds he had seen that day, hers was the most amazing.

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