Monday, February 18, 2008

Blog 4- Insanity

I don't think there is a kind way to say it! HE CARES ONLY ABOUT HIMSELF! He is so conceded! All he ever worries about is himself and catching a pig. I'm talking about Jack of course. Let me re-cap the day's numerous events:

First, Jack took the hunters who were on fire duty away from the fire! And of all the excuses that could possibly have made it okay for him to do that, he did it so they could help him catch a pig! Yes, it is nice that we will have meat to eat soon but that was no reason for him to do what he did. It's one thing if he pulls them away for 5 minutes for a really good reason, but he pulled them away from their duties to go help him hunt. And yet, that's still not the worst part. They let the fire go out! Can you believe it?! They let the fire go out! When I realized what had happened and that the fire had gone out I saw an
opalescence and it seemed as it the island was moving in a gyration. And of all the times for it to go out it just had to be today. While Jack and his hunters where on a pig hunt, A SHIP CAME BY!!! That's right! A ship came by the island! I thought it was just a mirage but as I looked closer I realized that what I was seeing was real. But because the boys let the fire go out the ship kept sailing right on by us and didn't even notice we are here!

Then we came back and I yelled at Jack for taking the boys away from the fire and letting it go out; and do you know what he started saying to me?! He started making the
implication that hunting was more important than being rescued! Catching a pig is irrelevant! It doesn't matter! It's unimportant! We could have been rescued! We could have gone home! I was incredulous. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was preposterous!

But what happened next was also quite crazy. While Piggy was lecturing Jack, Jack built up so much anger inside of him that he punched Piggy right in the stomach! Piggy fell with a
whimper, and Jack continued to be violent. He hit piggy in the face and his specks flew right off his face, landed on the ground, and shattered into pieces making a shrill noise. Piggy looked up, realized they had broken, and shot a malevolent look at Jack. He yelled, "My specks! One side's broken!"

He picked them up and put them back on his face. I looked at poor Piggy, only able to see out of one eye, and looked over at Jack, who was still clenching his fists with rage. I told Jack to apologize, and he did... for letting the fire go out, but not for hurting piggy.

Then they took the pig, and the boys began chanting, "Kill the pig. cut her throat. Bash her in."

It was sick. I called for a meeting. There were some matters that needed to be discussed.

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